Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Fixing My Life in 2013

2013 is going to be the year that I fix my life.

For a little over 5 years, my life has been full of clutter, up and down dieting, hand-me-down furniture, and unnecessary spending on things I don't need.

At the same time I got married, my parents moved almost an hour away. It seemed like a really great idea at the time to rent their house- the house I grew up in since I was 12- instead of finding another house. Their new house is a good bit smaller and, again, at the time it seemed like a good way to furnish my house when they had to leave a lot of furniture. And maybe all that was a good idea immediately after I got married, but over 5 years later I'm still living with the hand-me-down furniture.

There was also the problem of the clutter. Because they didn't have to, my parents didn't move a lot of their stuff that just didn't have a place in their new house. Also, when my sister went to college she left everything here. It made sense then, but she never came back to get any of it and it's still here over 10 years later. On top of that, my husband moved his stuff in and I still had everything from when I was a kid. There are 10 closets in this house. That is way too much stuff.

Part of my problem is that I like to collect stuff. I spent years collecting Living Dead Dolls and other horror dolls. I collected anime stuff. I collected video games and old consoles. I'm not into any of that anymore. More recently, I began to collect makeup. I have a huge shopping problem that needs to stop. Now, though, my desire to get rid of the clutter is overpowering my love of stuff and I'd really like a more minimalistic life. I definitely see yard sales and eBay in my future.

I also want to be more healthy. I've been half-assing Weight Watchers over the last year. I've only really been sticking to it for the last 2 months. I still ate out a lot last year- probably at least 2 times a week and sometimes more- which isn't good for my Points Plus total or my wallet. I've started cooking recently but my kitchen is so unorganized that it's not an enjoyable experience.

So, I have a lot I need to work on.

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