Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Weight Loss Wednesday: Visualizing Weight Loss

Why Weight Loss Wednesday? Because I like alliteration...

I also go to my Weight Watchers meetings on Tuesday night, so Wednesday is perfect for me to talk about weight loss. It's already on my mind. Unfortunately, this Tuesday was New Year's Day and there was no meeting (I'll just go to the weigh in without the meeting on Friday) so I don't have an updated weight yet this week.

I do know what my goal is, though. I also know what I weighed last week. This was a perfect opportunity to set up my weight loss jars. I've heard of tons of ways over the years to visualize your weight loss- stringing up soda tabs or paperclips, lifting something the equivalent of pounds lost, etc. One that I like is putting marbles or stones into a jar and moving them to another as you lose weight. It's small, doesn't require me to lift things, and is super easy. I also happened to have an entire container full of those glass stones.

STEP ONE: Get your containers. You'll need two- one for pounds to lose and one for pounds lost. I used mason jars, but any jar that fits your stones will work.

STEP TWO: Label your jars. You can make cute labels if you want... I don't want to so I used tape and a sharpie.

STEP THREE: Count out your marbles or whatever you're using to equal the number of pounds you want to lose.

This is 75 glass stones

STEP FOUR: Add your marbles to your 'To Lose' jar. As you lose, transfer to your 'Lost' jar. If you gain, you have to move some back to your 'To Lose' jar.

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